Conference 2022: Hopeful Modernisms


The full digital programme for Hopeful Modernisms, including abstracts, is here:

We have plenaries by Urmila Seshagiri, on “Forms of Hope: Virginia Woolf’s Literary Lives”, and with the creative practitioner Edson Burton.

On Thursday night we have the entertainmentUlysses: a magic lantern odyssey”.  This is a magic lantern projection show with live musical accompaniment and critical commentary, devised by Jeremy Brooker and Keith Williams.  The performance is a creative take on several key episodes of Joyce’s novel, remediating them in terms of a ‘lost medium’ which was a fundamental influence on his themes and style.

There are also hybrid/online streams on Thursday, including the postgraduate training morning, on Friday, including the plenaries, and on Saturday.


Guidance for Live Presentations

  • You may be requested to provide a printed copy of your presentation if this has been requested by attendees with accessibility needs. 
  • If you have a handout, please bring 3 copies in large-print format (14-16 font size)

Visual materials (e.g. PowerPoint):

  • Use large font size (minimum 24pt)
  • Use a simple sans serif font (e.g. Tahoma, Calibri, Helvetica, Arial)
  • Provide a clear heading on each slide
  • Provide Alt Text for any images
  • Avoid unnecessary motion or animations on slides
  • Provide captions for any video used in the presentation
  • Ensure that colour is not the only means of conveying information
  • Use strong contrast between text and background, e.g. dark text on an off-white or pastel background, or vice versa
  • For more information on accessible PowerPoints, see Make your PowerPoint presentations accessible to people with disabilities (

When delivering your presentation and in subsequent discussion: 

  • Keep to your allotted time
  • Speak clearly and not too fast. Pause between main points. 
  • Use a microphone where this is provided
  • Verbally describe any visual materials on your presentation
  • Make sure that you cover all of the information that is on each slide (e.g. do not read only small quotations from a long passage of text)
  • Describe any handouts to the audience (and bring some copies of the handout in larger font – 14-16 point font size)
  • Repeat any questions posted by the audience, particularly if they have not used a microphone

Guidance for Pre-submitting Materials

We request that all conference presenters submit presentations in advance (even if only in draft form) to the following Google Drive by 5pm on Wednesday 22 June 2022:

These documents are shared to make the content of the presentations more accessible for delegates. They will be made available for the duration of the conference. After the end of the conference, all documents will be deleted.

When accessing materials by other presenters, please ensure that you:

  • Respect the fact that the presentation may still be in draft form
  • Do not use, circulate, refer to or quote from these materials without the author’s permission

Materials submitted can take the form of the following:

  • A draft or final version of the presentation itself
  • Notes outlining the paper’s key points
  • A PowerPoint file with notes

Please make sure that all basic information is included within your document (author, title, etc.). We recommend that you also include a statement reminding readers not to circulate, refer to or quote from these materials without your permission.

Please ensure that your document is in an accessible format. Word and PowerPoint are generally better for accessibility than PDF format, but if you do choose to upload as PDF, please ensure that you follow the guidance below: